Developing a Security Assessment Program

Introduction Most organizations and are deploying new applications and technologies at a high rate and without a means to adequately assess them prior to implementation, it’s difficult to accurately gauge your organization’s risk. No matter what the size or industry, it’s imperative that an organization has a standardized and repeatable process for assessing the security of the IT solutions it implements. My goal with today’s post is to provide some recommendations on…
Read more...Tags:application security , assessment , nist , penetration testing , pentesting , risk , risk management
Fun With Teensy
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Introduction I’ve been wanting to write about the Teensy and its application in security testing or some time now. It’s extremely useful for executing scripts on a target machine without the need for human-to-keyboard interaction. It can be used to bypass auto-run, AV scanning, and encryption policies commonly targeting removable media devices in an enterprise environment. I’ve used it in my security testing to run recon/enumeration scripts, execute reverse shells, exploit local…
Read more...Tags:av bypass , dip switch , exploit , linux , mac , Microsoft , Offsec , penetration testing , pentesting , reverse shell , symantec , teensy , windows
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