Current tag: passive
Passive Reconnaissance
Written on:February 5, 2014

Introduction Recently, while watching the House Committee hearings on the security of, I was disappointed to hear testimony likening passive reconnaissance to a form of unauthorized/illegal activity that involved potentially invasive actions such as port/vulnerability scanning. To the contrary, passive recon can be one of the most useful and unobtrusive methods of data gathering for any penetration test or security assessment. In this post I outline what passive reconnaissance…
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Tags:advanced search , burp , burpsuite , exploit-db , ghdb , google , google hacking , , maltego , nerdydata , passive , passive recon , passive reconnaissance , pastebin , recon , reconnaissance , security , shodan
Tags:advanced search , burp , burpsuite , exploit-db , ghdb , google , google hacking , , maltego , nerdydata , passive , passive recon , passive reconnaissance , pastebin , recon , reconnaissance , security , shodan
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