Current tag: obamacare
Securing – Failures, Fixes, and Next Steps
Written on:January 17, 2014

Introduction The views expressed in this blog are my own. Just to be clear, that means they are not the views of my employer, co-workers, family, friends, casual acquaintances, strangers, or anyone other than myself. There has been plenty of news coverage about the security flaws that have plagued since it went live in October 2013: Hackers: still riddled with potential security issues Exclusive: Security Risks Seen at…
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Tags:Air Force , C&A , Certification and Accreditation , CMS , dave kennedy , Frank Baitman , healthcare , , HHS , Kevin Charest , Larry Ponemon , Lunarline , obamacare , ponemon , security , Superior Solutions , Teresa Fryer , TrustedSec , Waylon Krush
Tags:Air Force , C&A , Certification and Accreditation , CMS , dave kennedy , Frank Baitman , healthcare , , HHS , Kevin Charest , Larry Ponemon , Lunarline , obamacare , ponemon , security , Superior Solutions , Teresa Fryer , TrustedSec , Waylon Krush
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