– An Experiment in AV Evasion

Introduction I just wrapped up the Offensive Security Cracking The Perimeter (CTP) course and one of the topics was AV evasion. Although I write a lot of custom scripts and tools, when it comes to AV evasion, I typically rely on the tools and methods of others (Veil, powershell, python, custom shellcode). That said, the great thing about courses like CTP is they give me an excuse to investigate a topic that I haven’t…
Read more...Tags:anti-virus , antivirus , av , av evasion , Avast , AVG , Avira , Bitdefender , BullGuard , code cave , Comodo , detection , ESET , evasion , heuristics , Kaspersky , malware , Malwarebytes , McAfee , metasploit , Microsoft , Panda , peCloak , pefile , pydasm , python , SectionDoubleP , Spybot , symantec , Trend Micro , virus
The Search For Shellshock
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Introduction By now there are hundreds or even thousands of posts and articles about the Bash “Shellshock” vuln and more will be written tomorrow (and the next day …). With that in mind, this post will be fairly short and I won’t be rehashing what shellshock is or why it’s a problem. For that you can simply Google “shellshock” and you’ll find all you wanted to know and more. If you want…
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