How NOT To Restrict Cross-Domain Flash Content

Introduction Insufficient input validation is a problem I encounter practically every time I test an application. I’ve talked about relying on input validation as a prevention mechanism before (see here and item #8 here) but since it’s such a prevalent problem I figured I’d take the time to write about it once again. While a good supplemental control, by itself input validation is usually woefully inadequate. Quite frankly, it often requires much…
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Who do you trust? Cross-domain content extraction with Clickjacking
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Overview Today I’ll illustrate how it’s possible to extract sensitive data via Clickjacking by taking advantage of some liberal framing behaviors in Firefox coupled with a X-Frame-Options:Allow header that forms an implicit trust relationship between two sites. This Clickjacking POC takes advantage of several site and browser behaviors including: set an X-Frames-Options: Allow header when accessed directly from a search engine query result Microsoft Bing search engine allows framing…
Read more...Tags:Bing , Clickjacking , content extraction , cross domain , Etsy , Firefox , trust , X-Frame-Options
Cross Origin Request Forgery Pt 2 – Exploiting Browser Security
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Introduction In my previous post I demonstrated how insecure handling of CSRF tokens by applications that switch between HTTP and HTTPS can put users at risk of request forgery attacks via man-in-the-middle interception. Today I ‘ll expand upon this point and demonstrate how it can provide remote attackers the same opportunity, if the user’s browser is not configured to prevent insecure cross-domain communications. Recall in the last post, the site…
Read more...Tags:browser security , cross domain , cross origin , cross site request forgery , csrf
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