Solving the 2014 DBIR Puzzle Challenge

Intro This year’s challenge was quite…well…challenging. Unfortunately Andrij, Will, and I were not able to repeat last year’s win and had to settle for second place. Frankly, at one point we weren’t sure we were going to finish at all, so we’ll take it! Read on to see our approach to finding the clues and solving the puzzle – and all of the frustrating missteps along the way. Day 0…
Read more...Tags:2014 dbir , cover challenge , Data Breach Investigations Report , DBIR , dbir puzzle , dbirpuzzle , puzzle , verizon
Solving the AusSHIRT 2013 Sophos Puzzle
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Intro This was a fun little puzzle that served as a quick brain-teaser/diversion a short while back. I didn’t see this puzzle when it was first announced but eventually noticed it on Twitter so I got a bit of a late start. Several people had already solved it when I began, one of them using Notepad. I didn’t feel like writing yet another script so I figured why not try…
Read more...Solving the 2013 Verizon DBIR Cover Challenge
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Intro Each year the Verizon RISK Team releases its highly anticipated Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) — download this year’s report here. For some of us, equally as exciting as the content of the report is the DBIR Cover Challenge — a multi-stage puzzle that requires participants to follow obscure (and often hilarious) clues, testing their critical thinking and problem solving skills along the way. Following two consecutive fourth place…
Read more...Tags:Data Breach Investigations Report , DBIR , haberdasher , puzzle , Verizon RISK Team
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