Shellshock – Targeting Non-CGI PHP

I’ve seen debates as to whether or not it’s possible to have an unpatched PHP server running in mod_php mode (i.e. not CGI) that is vulnerable to Shellshock. From my testing, the answer appears to be Yes…with some prerequisite conditions. First, the PHP application would have to be using Bash for its system commands — exec(), passthru(), system(), popen(), etc. This is pretty obvious since Shellshock is a Bash-specific vulnerability. Although PHP system command…
Read more...The Search For Shellshock
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Introduction By now there are hundreds or even thousands of posts and articles about the Bash “Shellshock” vuln and more will be written tomorrow (and the next day …). With that in mind, this post will be fairly short and I won’t be rehashing what shellshock is or why it’s a problem. For that you can simply Google “shellshock” and you’ll find all you wanted to know and more. If you want…
Read more...Why Google Makes My Job More Difficult
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Let me start this post by saying I’m a huge Google fan. I use multiple Android devices and like many others, I’ve become an avid user of services such as Gmail, Docs, Maps, Photos, and Youtube. I even find myself fondly reminiscing about discontinued services such as Reader. And, if you’re like me, Google search has become an instrumental tool in your professional endeavors. So please keep in mind, this post is…
Read more...Tags:docs , google , google docs , phishing , redirection , redirector , redirects , unvalidated redirects
Windows Exploit Development – Part 7: Unicode Buffer Overflows
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Introduction In this seventh installment of the Windows Exploit Development Series, I’ll introduce Unicode Buffer Overflows. We’ll start with a brief introduction to Unicode (what it is and why/how it’s used in Windows) and then jump right in to some example exploits. If you plan on following along, I recommend you have the following: A Windows environment (XP or Win 7 — my demos will be on the latter) Metasploit, Alpha2 or…
Read more...Tags:allplayer , alpha2 , alpha3 , ansi , ascii , bladeapimonitor , buffer overflow , debugger , dumpbin , exploit , immunity , Microsoft , perl , seh , shellcode , structured exception handler , structured exception handling , unicode , utf-16 , utf-8 , venetian , venetian shellcode , win32 , windows
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